Maintenance Programming
I specialize in working on other people’s code – as a result of long experience, I can take apart a complex project and quickly determine what needs to be changed to get you where you need to be.
Feel free to reach out to my sister business, Durable Programming, for any programming services I offer.
Ruby on Rails Performance Consulting
Does it seem like your Rails application is slower than it used to be? Do you have unexplained slow periods? Is your app much faster during off peak periods?
These problems are all solvable – but most developers do not have specific performance experience. I do – I specialize in speeding up database applications, and the odds are good that whatever your problem is, I’ve already seen it.
MySQL Performance Consulting
MySQL is an extremely popular platform. It’s fast, easy to work with, and powerful enough to solve even tough business problems. It also has a very deep talent pool of experienced professionals, and technologies like Ruby on Rails have great MySQL support. It’s (relatively) easy and fast to develop web applications with MySQL.
Unfortunately, developing your application is half the battle – often, as our userbase and featureset grows, we end up having performance problems. Sometimes, your application works, but it’s generally sluggish – it’s just not as fast as it used to be.
Onsite Training
you’d be surprised at what gaps developers have in their skillset. On one occasion, I recall explaining about database performance and mentioning ACID compliance in an offhanded manner – only to realize that the assembled devs before me had no idea what ACID meant. If I had been writing a consulting report, likely this gap in knowledge would not have been remedied – but I was onsite, so I could give a quick explanation of ACID and how it effects web performance.